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iconPayment of road taxes, without any worries

Smart Diesel offers you road taxes services in Europe. Using Smart Toll Card, a service created for your own comfort and the benefits of the transporters, you can benefit from reductions for advance payments or different discount types. Moreover,  Smart Diesel also places at your personal disposal the possibility for road tax payments with the aid of the board unit (OBU) depending on the payment system from each country.

Road taxes in the main European countries

Check the information below connected to road taxes in Europe. For details, please contact Smart Diesel SRL at phone no. 0374.204.625 / 0374.204.632

Germany Germany -
The tax is to be paid for: >12 tons but starting with 1st October for trucks of over 7.5 tons
How is the tax set? Depending on the Euro class, the number of axes, the length of road segments
How is it collected? OBU / manual / online
How much it costs? Visit
Austria Austria +
The tax is to be paid for: >3.5 tons, vehicles of over 3.5 tons need vignette
How is the tax set? According to Euro class, the number of axes, the length of road axes
How is it collected? (OBU) GO-BOX
How much it costs? Visit
Special taxes: A 9 Bossrucktunnel, Gleinalmtunnel / A10 Tauernautobahn, Katschbergtunnel / A11 Karawankentunnel / A3 Brennerautobahn / S16 Arlberg-Schnellstraße
Italy Italy +
The tax is to be paid for: all vehicles and 6600 km of motorways
How is the tax set? According to size of vehicle, the number of axes, the length of road segments
How is it collected? Viacard (not personalized) / Telepass ( personalized per vehicle)
How much it costs? Visit
France France +
The tax is to be paid for: >3.5 tons
How is the tax set? According to the maximum size of ensemble of vehicles, the total authorized weight of the tractor head, the number of axes
How is it collected? TIS PL, automatic system which automatically collects the tax but also cash, card
How much it costs? Visit
Spain Spain +
The tax is to be paid for: >3.5 tons
How is the tax set? According to the maximum size of ensemble of vehicles, the total authorized weight of the tractor head, the number of axes
How is it collected? TIS-PL / / through operators, there being the opportunities for reductions of over 30%.
How much it costs? Contact SD to check for reductions
Belgium Belgium +
The tax is to be paid for: >3.5 tons
How is the tax set? According to the road segments on the three regions (Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia), the number of axes and the Euro class
How is it collected? Eurovignette / starting with 1 April 2016 an electronic system by OBU
How much it costs? Further details on
Czech-Republic Czech +
The tax is to be paid for: 3,5-7,5 tons / 7,5 -12 tons / over 12 tons
How is the tax set? According to emission class and the number of axes
How is it collected? OBU / Pre-pay or Post-payay
How much it costs? 14 cents/ km depending on the Eurp class and number of axes
Slovenia Slovenia +
The tax is to be paid for: > 3,5 tons (under 3,5 tons there is the Vignette)
How is the tax set? According to the emission class and the number of axes
How is it collected? Electronic devices with pre-pay credit though the operating company Dars
How much it costs? The road tax for Slovenia can be viewed here
Poland Poland +
The tax is to be paid for: > 3,5 tons
How is the tax set? According to the emission class and the number of axes
How is it collected? Via BOX / VIATOLL prepay or post-pay
How much it costs? For details check
Poland Hungary +
The tax is to be paid for: > 3,5 tons
How is the tax set? According to the Euro class, road category and the number of axes
How is it collected? (OBU) / manual / online
How much it costs? For details check

VAT? Yes

For other countries in Europe, please contact the company Smart Diesel. By working together we can offer you an integrated road taxation plan for all the transit countries

HU-GO tax, an innovation in Romania, at Smart Diesel

What is HU-GO?

hu-goHU-GO represents an electronic system of road taxation in Hungary. This system is designated for transporters whose vehicles exceed the maximum admitted weight of 3.5 tons.

From the beginning of the year 2016, Smart Diesel offers services by which you can pay the HU-GO tax in Romania, in a much simpler and more advantageous way. Moreover, Smart Diesel eliminates any possible nuisance and fines by relocating the taxation points on the Hungarian territory, 20 km away from Nadlac II customs, thus remaining a payable segment of the motorway uncovered.


How is it set?

The value of the HU-GO tax depends on the road category (main road, express or motorway), the number of axes and the degree of pollution of the vehicle.

How can it be paid?

  •  SD card

Smart Diesel places this service at your disposal, by which you can pay the HU-GO tax much easier and in a more efficient way. The Smart Diesel Card  can also be accessed online through the application Smart Diesel Web Management Fuel Cards. Thus, you can check your transactions and your already made payments, whenever you want.

  • OBU (On-Board-Unit)

Smart Diesel along the card payment facility, OBU.  This is a system which works based on GPS and GSM technologies. The device monitors the routes and automatically sets the payable tax.

VAT reclamation from road taxes

Posibilitate-de-recuperare-TVA-din-taxe-de-drumThrough the Road Taxes Service Smart Diesel together with Smart Toll Card, Smart Diesel Diesel will place at your disposal a centralized invoicing system of paid road taxes, thus making the possibility for VAT reclamation available on maximum the 15th of the next month. For further details please address to the sales representatives of Smart Diesel from your area or you can contact us through the website or by phone at the following numbers 0374.204.625 / 0374.204.632.

Expenditure savings for road taxes, Smart Diesel

Reduceri-de-cheltuieli-pentru-taxe-de-drum,-Smart-DieselSmart Diesel also offers crediting for road taxes. Consequently, you can pay these invoices on a fixed-term.

Smart Toll Card where you can monitor in real time the associate costs with road taxes. The internal and international transport fleet managers can thus control the associate costs to the transport, made both on pre-set routes, as well as for the short-term ones.
The Smart Diesel sales representatives will be at your disposal for the furthest details and, at the same time, can place at your disposal the costs and benefits obtained on the basis of routes which the truck fleets cater for.

Why Smart Toll Card?

Read more

By using Smart Toll Card you benefit from the Smart Diesel system. Thus, all transactions and payments done will be found in invoices, you can eliminate receipts; you have online support 24/7 and access to periodical reports regarding the already made transactions and payments. Through Smart Toll Card you have better control over all your expenditure, receiving a centralized invoice for all paid road taxes during the invoicing period.

Smart Toll Card primarily eliminates the necessity for drivers to carry important amounts of cash to pay for the road taxes on the route. The second advantage is represented by the considerable reduction of transit time, tremendously important for our clients, especially for those who carry perishables. By using the electronic devices delivered by Smart Diesel, you no longer need to stop as you enter a road section to pay for the due taxes and, thus, the lost time turns into advanced kilometers and a greater profit for you.

Contact now Smart Diesel SRL at no. 0374.204.625 / 0374.204.632 and order Smart Diesel fuel cards. Save up by using fuel card, diesel card and external diesel card, offered by Smart Diesel SRL. Smart Diesel SRL offers competitive fuel prices.